


封面標題為《the China Challenge》。
文章一標題為《The G-2 Mirage》,作者Elizabeth C. EconomyAdam Segal。摘要:A heightened bilateral relationship may not be possible for China and the United States, as the two countries have mismatched interests and values. Washington should embrace a more flexible and multilateral approach。
文章二標題為《Deng Undone——The Costs of Halting Market Reform in China》,作者DEREK SCISSORS。摘要稱,Driven by a near obsession with economic growth, Beijing has extended the state’s reach into the economy. Instead of urging the Chinese government to resume extensive market reforms, Washington should encourage it to focus on a narrow range of feasible measures.
文章三標題《Will the Chinese Communist Party Survive the Crisis? 》作者Minxin Pei。摘要:The financial crisis is challenging Beijing's ability to hold up its end of the deal with the country's elite, leading to a potential threat to the continued rule of the Chinese Communist Party.
值得注意的是,封面還重點導讀另外一篇文章《the End of the Free Market》。